Maximum Temperature:
- 2300o F
Internal Graphite Work Box Dimensions:
- 12.5” high x 12” wide x 30” deep
Element-to-Element Dimensions:
- Approximately 15.5” high x 15” wide x 36” deep
Power Requirements:
- 480 volts, 3 phase, 60 hertz
- Rough vacuum operation and partial pressure operation.
- Optional recirculating gas quench cooling available.
- Standard one-year warranty.
- This is an assembled unit that is shipped as one piece, requiring only the water, gas, and power to be connected to the appropriate locations.
- The work box will have a gas distribution system to optimize gas flow over the parts.
- Yokogawa UP550 digital programmable temperature controller with 30 programs and 300 segments.
- Fully automatic operation with PLC programmer/controller for operation with alphanumeric display to indicate furnace processing cycles.
- Graphite hot zone and four-sided graphite heating elements for optimum uniformity.
- Mechanical vacuum pump with Roots blower.
- Mass flow controller to control the flow of nitrogen gas.
- Digital vacuum gauge.
- Digital high limit controller.
- We provide written operating procedures, complete detailed electrical schematics, and manuals for all instrumentation and controls on the furnace.
- This unit is leak-tested with a helium mass spectrometer, with no detectable leak in the 10-9
- Includes one day of test fire and training at our plant in Terryville, Connecticut, USA.
- Recirculating gas quench cooling. We estimate that this would shorten the cooling time after sintering by 50% or more depending upon when it is initiated.
- 6-channel Yokogawa paperless datalogging chart recorder with digital communications. Network compatible – can appear as a node on a network, making remote data gathering fast and easy. Includes built-in memory card for storage.
- Yokogawa Light Loader to facilitate uploading and downloading programs, configuration files, and auto-tuning parameters. This device clips on the face of the Yokogawa UP550 instrument and plugs into a USB port on a PC-based laptop or desktop computer, greatly facilitating and simplifying instrument configuration, program storage, and auto-tuning. Can be used for writing programs and storing detailed configuration data.
- Remote diagnostics via a modem, enabling us to remotely aid in troubleshooting the furnace and guide your maintenance people directly.
- 6- or 12-thermocouple uniformity feedthrough port for 1/16” Type “K” thermocouples (not included) to monitor temperature inside the furnace.